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ketika piring telah beralih fungsi #pakehape

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2 komentar:

  1. example above is the search listing for a post titled “Import multiple blogs into Facebook via NetworkedBlogs”. Notice the important keyword “NetworkBlogs” is missing. That’s because Google only shows up to 70 characters of the page title in search results. When the page title exceeds the limit, Google simply cuts it off. Unfortunately the victim (of being cut off) is the keyword-rich post title.

    So what now, how do you show the post title in full without shortening it? Simple, just reverse the order. Put post title in front, giving it priority over blog title.

  2. example above is the search listing for a post titled “Import multiple blogs into Facebook via NetworkedBlogs”. Notice the important keyword “NetworkBlogs” is missing. That’s because Google only shows up to 70 characters of the page title in search results. When the page title exceeds the limit, Google simply cuts it off. Unfortunately the victim (of being cut off) is the keyword-rich post title.

    So what now, how do you show the post title in full without shortening it? Simple, just reverse the order. Put post title in front, giving it priority over blog title.

    example above is the search listing for a post titled “Import multiple blogs into Facebook via NetworkedBlogs”. Notice the important keyword “NetworkBlogs” is missing. That’s because Google only shows up to 70 characters of the page title in search results. When the page title exceeds the limit, Google simply cuts it off. Unfortunately the victim (of being cut off) is the keyword-rich post title.

    So what now, how do you show the post title in full without shortening it? Simple, just reverse the order. Put post title in front, giving it priority over blog title.
